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发布时间:2014-01-23 15:35:23 | 浏览次数:


RE:  multi vendor compatibility

Established in 1979, Vemco® is the sole source and manufacturer of Vemco® acoustic telemetry equipment. As the world leader in acoustic telemetry products, we provide acoustic receivers for active and passive tracking, and miniature transmitters designed primarily for scientists studying fish migration and behaviour within marine and freshwater ecosystems.
Vemco®公司成立于1979年,Vemco®公司是Vemco®品牌的声学遥测设备和系统的唯一生产制造商。作为世界上最为领先声学遥测设备包括微型声学发射器和声学接收机,Vemco®的产品可以运用于各类海洋和淡水动物生态系统的研究。我们的声学设备可以对水生动物进行主动和被动跟踪, 从而帮助科学家对于水生动物的行为进行研究, 比如鱼类洄游。

Vemco® has continuously invested research and development effort in order to develop and perfect a world class proprietary acoustic telemetry system that consists of Vemco® transmitters and Vemco® receivers working together. Our coded transmitters and monitoring receivers use Vemco® proprietary coding techniques that provide unique tag IDs to allow the interoperability of Vemco® receiver arrays worldwide.

Vemco® is aware of a number of other manufacturers who claim to have receivers and/or transmitters that are compatible with Vemco® equipment.  These manufacturers would have you believe that the Vemco® acoustic telemetry system is an open standard. It is not. The coding system and technology used by Vemco®, was invented by Vemco® and is the proprietary intellectual property of Vemco®. These manufacturers have not worked with Vemco® and do not have full or complete knowledge of the Vemco® technology. Their products are not compatible with Vemco® products. Furthermore, Vemco® cannot comment on the performance of their equipment nor can Vemco® be assured that they will not interfere with the correct operation of Vemco® equipment.
我们获悉一些公司声称自己制造的接收器和/或发射器可以和Vemco®系统兼容。这些公司声称Vemco®声学遥测系统是开放的系统。但事实并非如此。Vemco®使用的编码系统和技术是我们研发和独有的知识产权。 我们在此声明,Vemco®公司从未和这些公司有合作, 这些公司并没有对我们的技术有深切与完整的了解。我们再次强调, 其他厂家的产品不能兼容Vemco®产品。 我们不会评价其他厂家的产品性能, 也不能保证其他厂家的产品不会影响或干扰Vemco®系统的正常工作。

Integral to the Vemco® system is a proprietary code database containing unique tag IDs that enable scientists to identify individual animals. To protect the integrity of Vemco® customers’ research data, Vemco® carefully manages this database to prevent the possibility of putting duplicate tag IDs in the water and to also ensure that tag parameters are chosen so as to not interfere with neighboring studies. Duplicate IDs and poorly chosen tag parameters could seriously compromise research data thereby jeopardizing study results.

In response to growing worldwide acoustic telemetry studies Vemco® recently developed a coding technology that is more robust, with stronger encryption and provides for vastly more unique IDs. Referred to as Global tags, these are being sold worldwide and can only be detected and decoded by Vemco® equipment. This new advanced technology will also guarantee truly unique IDs and further protect the integrity of our customers’ research.
面对全球不断增长的声学遥测研究需求,我们推出了更强大、更具保密性的编码技术,可以提供更多的唯一编码。简称全球标记,这些标记已全球发行, 只有Vemco®的设备可以对这些标记进行检测和解码。这一新技术将保证我们用户研究项目数据的可靠性。

In addition all support services that Vemco® offers, including; study advice, data analysis, 2D/3D Vemco® Positioning System (VPS) data analysis, false detection analysis, determining foreign ID tag ownership etc., can only be provided to users with datasets generated using the complete Vemco® acoustic telemetry system as we are unable to validate nor analyze detection files from other manufacturers’ receivers or transmitters.
我们再次声明,Vemco®提供所有的技术服务,包括项目咨询、数据分析、2D/3D Vemco®定位系统(VPS)数据分析、虚假检测分析、确定标签归属等,都只提供给整套使用Vemco®声学遥测系统的用户。我们无法分析来自其他接收器或发射器的数据。

Vemco® is committed to delivering the highest level of customer service and the most advanced acoustic telemetry equipment through our investment in ongoing research and development. If you have any questions regarding our products, please do not hesitate to contact us or one of our agents.