AMIRIX to acquire Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc.
AMIRIX (加拿大Vemco公司)全资收购美国HTI公司
November 9, 2016 – Seattle, WA. AMIRIX Systems, Inc (AMIRIX) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc (HTI) of Seattle WA are pleased to announce that they have entered into an agreement for AMIRIX to acquire HTI. HTI will operate as a new business unit under the name HTI-Vemco USA, Inc. alongside the VEMCO business unit of AMIRIX to create a comprehensive provider of acoustic products, tools and services for aquatic animal monitoring.
2016年11月9日,AMIRIX系统公司(Vemco)【地处加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯】和美国水声学科技公司(HTI)【地处美国西雅图】在此高兴的宣布AMIRIX全资收购美国HTI公司。HTI公司将以新名字HTI-Vemco USA公司继续在西雅图运行,为水生动物遥测客户提供全方位的鱼类声学遥测产品、工具和服务。
“This is an important move into the future for aquatic research,” says Tracey Steig, General Manager of HTI. “As one, we will be positioned to further advance aquatic technology and expand with the growing needs of our customers.”
HTI公司总经理Tracey Steig说:“这对于未来的水生动物遥测研究是非常重要的一步,作为一个新团队,我们将定位于发展更先进的水生动物遥测技术,并不断拓展并满足客户日益增长的科研需求。“
“As industry leaders in our respective and closely related market spaces, Vemco and HTI are a natural fit,” explains Mark Jollymore, President and CEO of AMIRIX. “We are excited about the possibilities and opportunities that combining these two world-class organizations creates. We look forward to further advancing and expanding our products and services into the future.”
AMIRIX 公司总裁和CEO Mark Jollymore说:“Vemco和HTI可谓是天作之合,在这个紧密相关的市场,我们各自都发挥着举足轻重的领导作用。两个世界级公司的合并对未来带来了无限可能性和机遇,对此我们非常兴奋。我们期待着未来进一步推进和扩大我们的产品和服务。“
HTI and Vemco will continue to operate as separate business units under AMIRIX. HTI and Vemco will collaborate to develop the next generation of products and services for fish research.